Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Back home in Taiwan

After a serious of unfortunate events, I have finally arrived in Taiwan. The decision to come back is anything but well thought out. It was like an impromtu deicision. I had beeing feeling like I've hit a wall and wasn't going anywhere back in Washington, DC. My apartment lease was up and I thought why not go back to Taiwan for a while and figure some things out?
After 2 weeks of fun and fetivities with my friends back in DC, I am now in Taiwan. It was weird spending almost everyday with my closest friends, and then all of a sudden be on the other side of the world. It has been about a year and a half since I have been back. The feeling is sort of ambiguous. I feel like everything around me is a familiar sight, yet I feel so out of place in my home town.
The first week consist of endless family time. Everyone seems to be just like they were since the last time I saw them. I on the other hand is the one who's changed. A lot happens in a year, and I guess they're more evident than I realized.
I want to take advantage of this trip back to Taiwan. I will probably never have an indefinite amount of time. I have already signed up to run a 10km race this Sunday, October 17th. This trip around will also be the first time that I will celebrate my birthday in Taiwan since I was 8 years old!
One of my biggest goals this time around is to tour the entire country on my bike. It will be a 1000km trip around the coasts of Taiwan. The coast is flat enough and has some of the most breathtaking sights of the island. As of right now I am planning on leaving on October 25th, and estimating about 2 weeks to complete the trip. Which means that I will be biking about plus or minus 100km each day.
I don't know when I'll be back in the States, but I hope when I go back I will be able to say and feel like I have made the most out of this mini vacation.

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