Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All snowed in!

It is complete madness outside. After getting more than two feet of snow this past Saturday, another storm hits the Washington, DC area. I woke up this morning, hoping that the snow would have stopped, and I would at least be able to go out get and a cup of coffee and maybe a nice stroll in the fresh snow. Negative! I woke up to see a blizzard outside, worse than the one on Saturday. Not only is it snowing hard, the wind has also picked up. I don't think anyone can even step outside in this weather.
Instead, I brewed some water and made my own cup of coffee. The coffee was delicious, but staring out the window, I just can't stand another day of being trapped inside.
Then I figured, what can I do to kill time? How about I cook up something time consuming! Since I don't eat meat, It's hard to find something that needs a lot of time to roast or baste, but then I remembered, why don't I make ratatouille? It's a dish with simple ingredients, yet a very challenging and time-consuming dish to make. And magically I just had all the necessary ingredients in my fridge.
I looked up on to find recipes, and voila! there was one by Julia Child, the master herself. I chopped, I sauteed, I basted, etc. And an hour and a half later, I had finished making my first ever dish by Julia Childs. Since it's still early, I've decided to let it sit in its juice a little longer before I dig into it at lunch time. Good thing is a dish that can also be served at room temperature! Pictures and tastings to come later!

Yum is all I have to say. This is all that I imagine a ratatouille dish would be. The vegetables are all soft and tender, and there is so much flavoring from just salt, pepper, and the vegetables itself. This is definitely a success!!

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