Friday, June 15, 2012

What I miss the most about the US of A

After being away from the American style for more or less two years, there are certain things that I really crave and miss.  Yes I am in France, the land of some of the best cuisine, culture, history, etc. in the world; and I am defnitely taking advantage of all that!  Yet, you know there are just the little things such as....
  • Trader Joe's, 'nough said!
  • REI, sorry but Decathlon is just not the same... not even close!
  • People who know what a Chaco tan or TEVA tan is.
  • Iced tea, I guess that's an American thing?
  • Diner style breakfast such as pancakes (blueberries preferred), eggs, and some nice home fries.
  • Veggie Burgers, actually any type of burgers in general, that's one thing the French can't do right!
  • Local farmer's markets.
  • Coffeeshops, I know Paris is famous for these, but I miss chill coffee places in the US where you can buy a huge cup of joe, and just sit and read for the entire day.
  • Microbreweries: especially ones in Utah and Colorado!
  • Happy hours!!  Sorry Parisian Cafe, but 5 Euros for a beer does not equal happy hour.
  • Pot-lucks!!
  • Camping and grilling
  • Thanksgiving, my favorite Holiday!
  • oh and of course MY AWESOME FRIENDS!

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