Monday, November 21, 2011

Beaujolais Nouveau, another hyped up event in Paris!

A few days after my arrival in Paris, I keep hearing about the so-called "Beaujolais Nouveau", which is the day that the new Beaujolais' are revealed in France. It always takes place on the 3rd Thursday of November. I saw signs and even in guide books it made it sound like the entire streets of Paris will be drinking Beaujolais for 4 days straight.
First of all, let me just start off by saying Beaujolais is a horrible wine made out of the Gamay grape. It has a sexy name and it is lauded internationally. But I've yet to hear anyone order beaujolais wine in a restaurant. And for the same price, I'd rather stick to a Cotes du Rhone or something from Languedoc! There were wine shops that held tastings, most of them with one or two beaujolais. I visited the wine shop about 2 steps away from work, and they had one beaujolais available for tasting. I took a sip, and thought "wow this is really crappy wine that doesn't have a lot of body or taste to it." I also find it really acidic.
I was meeting up with a couple of friends that night in the supposed celebration. But as we walked down the streets by Bastille, it seemed very quiet for such a joyful event. We finally settled down in a small restaurant that was packed. We ordered some cheese plates and charcuterie along with a bottle of Beaujolais. Yet again, the Beaujolais tasted horrible. After a few more tastings that I did throughout that weekend, I was convinced that Beaujolais is not a wine that I would ever spend money on again.
Funny thing is I read on the French morning paper that they even held a big tasting event for Beaujolais Nouveau in Tokyo!
So let me put on my smarty I think I know it all hat and say, Beaujolais Nouveau is a hyped up event for foreigners who don't know what good wine is. There now judge me! :)

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