Monday, March 29, 2010

My 3 and a half week Dream

So, I lied... I thought I was going to be able to blog while I was in France, and I obviously failed miserably. But after cooking dinner for two hours and eating and drinking good wine for another two, it's hard to get motivated to write.
To sum up real quickly though, let's just say that I have never in my life had so much wine (and oh my were they tasty), cheese, bread, and jam. The thought of it all is still giving me cravings. I sure dined well, and I mean real well. And honestly, I was not disappointed with a single meal that I've had in France. A lot of days did also consist of going to the grocery store, picking up random stuff and picknicking. That includes eating lettuce out of a bag, sitting on cement and cutting cheese and bread on a piece of wax paper. But it didn't make the experince any less satisfying. I got to also cook with fresh ingredients from markets that we frequented in the mornings. I experienced with meats like rabbit, and it sure was yummy!
We stayed in a variety of settings while we were there, including a castle (really!) that almost seemed surreal; 2 cottages, one high in the mountains of Provence where we were all alone, the other, a stone house built in the 16th century in a cute small village; a stone house in the middle of a vineyard; and lastly a small bed and breakfast inn right by the Gironde river.
We tasted wine in Burgundy, Chateauneuf du Pape, Gigondas, Cote du Rohne, Cote du Luberon, Languedoc-Rouissillon, and Bordeaux. Our wine spurlges reined from 4 Euros a bottle to 85 Euros a bottle (and yes that bottle was worth every penny). There was not a single bottle of wine that I didn't like. We drank at least a bottle of wine every single day. What can I say it was really living the dream of a foodie!
We visited gorgeous small villages and well as big cities, drank coffee in sunny squares, hiked up to castles, etc. I have never met more friendlier people who were just willing to chat with me for a long time.
There were definitely uneventful stuff that happened, but looking back, those three and a half weeks were definitely some of the best times of my life, and I was happy to spend it with my mom and dad.
I'll be writing more, but this is just a quick summary to start off after slacking for all this time!

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